Correct Uniform Policy

Dear Parent/Carer,                                                                       


In our determination to raise standards, it is essential that the school continues to develop the culture of high expectations and instil a consistent sense of pride amongst all learners. I am writing to inform you that we are relaunching our school uniform policy, which will come into force in September 2019. Please find a notification on uniform attached and note that school black trousers should be a traditional tailored style, which is formal, smart and not tight fitting. The bottom of the trousers should sit on the shoe and not cling to the leg. Lycra, skinny type trousers, leggings are not acceptable and should not be worn to school. Please do not purchase skinny versions of such items even if they say on the label that they are school trousers, as these will not be acceptable in school. Skirts MUST be straight, black and knee length. Any other length of skirt will not be acceptable. Pupils are not permitted to wear outside coats/hoodies inside the school building, blazers should be worn at all times.


We will continue to be vigilant in ensuring our learners wear their uniform correctly to engender a feeling of community and sense of belonging.


Pupils will be informed this week in assemblies of an end of term focus that we are having on school uniform. This will begin on Wednesday July 3rd 2019.


Please refer to our website for more information on this focus and visual reminders of acceptable skirt length and trouser type.


Yours faithfully,


Mrs M Pearce

Deputy Head Teacher